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Have you thought about becoming a Freemason?

Your neighbors, your friends, and prominent members of society have joined over a million other men as Freemasons.
rnMembers of the Masonic Fraternity have been making positive contributions to our communities for over 275 years in Pennsylvania through programs that promote education, reduce substance abuse, care for the elderly, and care for our youth. Today, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania comprises more than 500 Lodges and over 70,000 Masons - men of character from every walk of life all working together to build a better world.

Click the "2B1-ASK1 image below to find out more about Freemasonry.

PA Freemason Magazine.

Click the image below to read the latest edition:

PA CHIP Program.
The Child Identification Program (CHIP) addresses the alarming fact that over 1,000,000 children are reported missing in the United States each year. While most are found, many are not, and the abduction of children is both under-reported and rapidly increasing in our society. CHIP provides parents and guardians the means to quickly get vital information to emergency responders. The digital video and digital still photo on the mini CD is compatible with the Pennsylvania Amber Alert System. Click the image below to find more information.


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Welcome to Williamson Lodge, No. 309, F.&A.M.

Downingtown, PA - Established 1857 (A.L. 5857)

Right Worshipful Master: Rick Kliendiest

What is Freemasonry?

I am the past, the present, and the future. I belong to all ages. I am steeped in tradition and I thread the pages of history. I circle the globe and I stand at the crossroads of the world. I have rites and words that have beauty, sympathy, and rhythm. I place upon my pedestal the holy writ, and I turn to God in prayer.

I have knowledge, wisdom, and secrets locked in my bosom, which I give to men who come desiring me in their hearts. I speculate with all the tools of operative masonry, and I translate their use into moral and spiritual building. I await free men of mature age, sound judgment, strict morals, and of good masonic report ... but I solicit none.

I admit them of their own free will and accord, and teach them brotherhood and charity. I travel the roads of peace and harmony, and I walk in the ways of charity. I answer the cry of the orphan, and sustain the widow and the aged. I render aid to the poor, the sick, and the distressed. I am a way of life which teaches immortality. I lead men from darkness to light ...

  2 Be One, Ask One - Become a Freemason  
Williamson Lodge : 210 Manor Ave., Downingtown, PA 19335


Stated Meeting - 3rd Wednesday each Month, 7:30 PM

PLEASE NOTE: The Lodge is "away from work" (no stated meeting) during the months of July and August.

Upcoming Events Calendar

<< March 2025 >>

03/10• Williamson Lodge - School of Instruction
03/10• District - School of Instruction @ BW-G #3...
03/17• Williamson Lodge - School of Instruction
03/19• Stated Meeting - 7:30 PM
03/24• Williamson Lodge - School of Instruction
03/25• District - School of Instruction @ BW-G #3...
03/31• Williamson Lodge - School of Instruction
04/07• Williamson Lodge - School of Instruction
04/14• Williamson Lodge - School of Instruction

About Williamson Lodge, No. 309, F.&A.M.

Williamson Lodge, No. 309, Free and Accepted Masons, located in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, is under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, within the 5th Masonic District of the Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania (Chester County). Founded in 1857, Williamson Lodge is the second oldest continuously working lodge in Chester County, and the oldest lodge in Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania''s District No. 5.

 Copyright © 2012 - Williamson Lodge No. 309, F.&A.M. : Downingtown, PA - All Rights Reserved
Williamson Lodge No. 309, F.&A.M., 210 Manor Avenue, Downingtown PA 19335, Phone: (610) 269-3555

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